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PAYE Audit Solution

The PAYE Audit application identifies errors and anomalies in calculating PAYE and on the ITF16 file sent to ZIMRA.

The PAYE audit program can use an ITF16 file generated during the tax year or at the end of year.

Ideally the PAYE audit should be run between periodically or around June and September as this allows a reasonable amount of time to correct any problems,

especially where there have been under-deductions.

Most PAYE errors are caused because the payroll parameters governing PAYE have been set up incorrectly. Surprisingly, these errors are often not picked up by the individuals running the payrolls, and that leads to difficulties with ZIMRA in the future.

Our PAYE audit software can be loaded and processed on a client’s computer to be run as and when the client wishes, or else ITF16 files can be sent to us for processing. The program produces summary reports as well as detailed, employee by employee, analysis indicating the PAYE actually reported on the file compared with the correct PAYE for the earnings, benefits, allowables and credits.